Our New Trustees
We undertook a period of trustee recruitment from December 2023 – February 2024, to augment the skillset and experience of our Trustee Board, and with a particular focus on community engagement and inclusion. We were also looking for a finance trustee to ensure robust financial governance.

Sharon Lloyd
Sharon studied at Winchester School of Art and has worked in the city for over 20 years as a senior academic. She believes in investing in a diverse range of cultures and organisations to ensure all voices are heard. Her professional expertise combines education, industry and arts & culture with a specific focus on equity, diversity, inclusivity and belonging.
Sharon is a co-founder of Fashion Academics Creating Equality (FACE) and DEI co-chair at the British Beauty Council, awarded Champion of Change by Vogue Business in 2023.

Jo Ash CBE
A born and bred Sotonian, Jo has a long background of involvement in the city’s voluntary and community sector, having been CEO of Southampton Voluntary Services for almost 30 years and at a national level as trustee and Vice Chair of the National Council of Voluntary Organisations.
Since retiring in 2021 Jo has continued her involvement in city life as Vice Chair of the Society of St James charity, supporting homeless and vulnerable people; as Lay Member of Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) Board, and as trustee of Hampshire and IoW Community Foundation.

Hayden Collins
Hayden is a Community Participation Officer with a focus on Children and Young People, and his remit also includes Sports Development. Also a born and bred Sotonian, it’s a place close to his heart.
Hayden is passionate about the inclusion of young people in decision-making, having created and managed the UK Youth Parliament and the Southampton Children’s Mayor, bringing young people into the heart of the city and what we do.

Stephen Obuba
Stephen is currently the Associate Director of Finance at London Metropolitan University.
As well as a strong foundation in accounting principles, Stephen has a weatlh of experience in broader management roles at Impertial College London, ThinkSpace and Trinity Laban Conservatoire where he has led financial teams and ensured strong governance and meticulous financial reporting.