Polo Market – A Community Cornerstone with Mr Perot 

Polo Market, a Polish shop nestled in a vibrant community, has been a staple for nearly a decade. Owned and managed by Mr Perot, the store has become known not just for its diverse range of products but also for its sense of community and friendly atmosphere. For Mr Perot, the shop is more than a business—it’s a place where people from various backgrounds come together, share experiences, and form lasting relationships. 

A Busy Shop with Seasonal Rhythm 
Mr Perot has been at the helm of Polo Market for the past nine years, and his experience in managing the store has given him deep insight into the ebb and flow of retail. He shared, “It’s a bit hard sometimes, but it’s easier other times. Usually, the summer is very busy because people just want to buy quick things, like drinks, and head to the park or somewhere to relax. Christmas is also a busy time, with lots of things to prepare, like ordering stock from Poland. There’s always something to do.” 

Despite the challenges, he enjoys the work, saying, “I’ve been here nine years, and I don’t really want to change. I’m happy with my work.” 

Adapting Through Changes 
Originally a small Indian shop, Polo Market transitioned into a Polish store years ago, and this transformation has shaped the shop’s identity. Mr Perot explained. “Before, like 10-15 years ago, it was a small Indian shop. Then it changed to a Polish shop” 

The shop has also adapted over the years in response to external challenges, such as the pandemic. Mr Perot reflected, “COVID was very different. At the start of the pandemic, it was crazy. Customers wanted to buy everything, and sometimes we ran out of stock. The shelves were empty. But after that, things came back to normal.” 

Community Connections 
Though Polo Market is known for its Polish products, the store’s customer base is much more diverse. “It’s a Polish shop, but now we have a lot of Romanian customers and even English customers,” said Mr Perot. “They really like our fresh meat, like sausage and ham. We have so many types, and they’re always surprised at how nice they are. They come back, which is great for us.” 

He noted that his customers often ask for cooking ideas and recipes. “Sometimes they ask, ‘Maybe you can give me some ideas for dinner.’ It’s really nice to see them interested in our culture and food,” he said. Polo Market isn’t just about products; it’s about sharing and building connections. “We have friendly communication with everyone around here, English people, Portuguese people. It’s nice.” 

Watching the Community Grow 
Over the years, Mr Perot has witnessed the children of his customers grow up and become regulars in the shop. “I can see the difference, you know. Sometimes I see kids who were small before, and now they’re bigger and come in alone to shop. It’s really nice,” he said, his pride evident in his voice. 

A Place Where People Feel at Home 
Despite the ups and downs of the retail world, Mr Perot’s dedication to his customers and his work shines through. “I’m happy with my work,” he said. “I’ve been here nine years, and I don’t really want to change. It’s nice to see the community growing and becoming more connected.” 

For Mr Perot, Polo Market isn’t just a shop—it’s a place where people can find quality products, discover new things, and feel like part of something bigger. His story is a testament to the enduring importance of local businesses in fostering community spirit and connection.