Role Summary

We are seeking 2-3 people to join our Southampton Forward Board of Trustees. This pivotal role within the organisation comes at a crucial juncture in our development, requiring Trustees with key skills to contribute to the strategic direction and overall success of our organisation. As we undertake our mission to use culture and creativity as catalysts for positive change in Southampton, we invite passionate and talented individuals to join our dynamic team. We are particularly keen to hear from people who are engaged with and have experience of working with Southampton’s diverse communities. We would love to hear from people with expertise in the areas of digital and AI, health and wellbeing, GDPR, fundraising, tourism, heritage and of course passion and enthusiasm to drive positive change in Southampton.


Trustees have a key role in charitable organisations, with overall responsibility for the oversight of governance of the organisation. Their skills and expertise are used to help shape vision and strategy and to offer insight and support to the CEO and team.

Time Commitment

Six Trustee meetings a year, plus some time outside of the meetings completing trustee duties. Board meetings are usually held six times a year usually at 4pm onwards either in Southampton or remotely via Microsoft Teams.


A trustee position at Southampton Forward is a volunteer role. It is unpaid but reasonable expenses can be claimed where appropriate.


Under charity law, the Board of Trustees holds the ultimate responsibility for directing the affairs of Southampton Forward, and ensuring that it is sustainable, well run and delivering the charitable outcomes for which it has been set up. This document seeks to define the key responsibilities of the trustees and provide clarity on the personal skills and experience required to successfully fulfil the role.

Benefits of being a Trustee

We are offering the opportunity to join a professional and welcoming Board of Trustees, where your time, knowledge and experience will be valued. The remit of the charity across culture, tourism, festival and events means that there is an opportunity to contribute to Southampton’s growth.

In addition to this you will be at the heart of Southampton Forward helping us develop, grow and achieve our full potential.

We are also pleased to offer invitations to all our events and access to governance training.

Principal responsibilities:

As a Trustee, you will bring your experience to help guide the decision-making of our charity, working closely with the other members of our Board of Trustees (Meet Southampton Forward’s Team & Trustees) to safeguard Southampton Forward’s sustainability and future.

The duties of a trustee are as follows:

  • Ensure that the organisation pursues its stated charitable objects as defined in the Articles of Association, by establishing a clear vision, set of values and strategy, and ensuring that there is a common understanding of these by trustees, staff and associated personnel.
  • Ensure that operational plans and budgets support the vision and strategy.
  • Ensure that the views of stakeholders are regularly sought and considered.
  • Ensure there is regular review of the external environment for changes that might affect the organisation (political, financial, demographic, competitive, partnerships, alliances).
  • Ensure that the organisation complies with the Articles of Association, charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations.
  • Ensure that the organisation applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its charitable objects.
  • Ensure that the organisation defines its goals and evaluates performance against agreed targets.
  • Uphold the good name and values of the organisation.
  • Ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation, including having appropriate policies and procedures in place.
  • Ensure the financial stability of the organisation.
  • Protect and manage the property of the organisation and ensure the proper investment of its funds.
  • Give serious consideration to procuring external professional advice on any matter that presents a material risk to the charity that is beyond the established risk management process, or where the trustees could be perceived to be in breach of their duties.
  • Ensure that the organisation acts in accordance with employment law and exercises a duty of care to its employees.
  • Ensure that the major risks to the organisation are regularly identified and reviewed and that systems are in place to mitigate or minimise these risks.
  • Ensure that the organisation has a governance structure that is appropriate to a charity of its size/complexity, stage of development, and its charitable objects, and reflects the diversity o its stakeholders.
  • Ensure that the board regularly reviews the governance structure and its own performance against an agreed programme.
  • Ensure that the board regularly reviews its own training needs and creates an expectation of continuous professional development throughout the organisation.
  • Ensure that trustees have an agreed code of conduct and comply with it, and that there are mechanisms for the removal of trustees who do not abide by the principles stated therein.

In addition to the above statutory duties, each trustee should use any specific skills, knowledge or experience they have in order to help the board of trustees reach sound decisions. This may involve scrutinising board papers, leading discussions, focusing on key issues, providing advice and guidance on new initiatives, or other issues in which the trustee has special expertise.

Please do not be put off applying if you do not meet all the requirements listed below, we are keen to hear from everyone interested in this role.

We are particularly interested in hearing from people with experience in one or more of the following: Community Engagement, Corporate Social Responsibility, Digital and AI,  Fundraising, GDPR, Heritage, Health & Wellbeing or Tourism.

Person Specification:

  • Enthusiasm for and commitment to the Southampton Forward’s mission and vision.
  • Sound judgement, an understanding of the need to maintain objectivity and an ability to set and maintain professional boundaries.
  • Clearly demonstrate a commitment to Equality, Diversoty and Inclusion and the values of Southampton Forward.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, resulting in good contacts with relevant stakeholder groups and ability to foster additional relationships with partners, stakeholders, funders and other industry figures.
  • Ability to interpret complex information, comprehend issues and assess risks relating to the operation of Southampton Forward as an organisation.
  • Understanding the public and political context and operating environment of a cultural and creative industry organisation and demonstrate the ability to think strategically and entrepreneurially within it.
  • Good understanding of governance issues.
  • Knowledge of how the not-for-profit and/or creative industries sector / arts and cultural organisations operate.
  • Possesses an understanding of good charity governance, underpinned by the requiremetns of the Charity Commission and the Seven Principles of Public Life (the “the Nolan principles”)

Application Process:

To apply, please email your CV and a covering letter detailing why you are interested in the role, what you feel you can bring to the role and how you meet the Person Specification, to our Finance Manager Hannah Garriock hannahg@sfbranding.local  

Applications should be received by midnight Wednesday 24th January 2024.

A recruitment panel comprising of four Board Members will review all applicants.  Shortlisted candidates will be notified by 1st February 2024.

First interviews are scheduled to be held in person 14th & 15th February 2024 and second interviews are scheduled in person on the 19th & 20th February 2024.

Southampton Forward is committed to equality of opportunity, values diversity supports, and encourages applications from people in under-represented groups. We are looking for people from a wide range of backgrounds who will bring a fresh perspective to the Board, and having reviewed existing Trustee’s diversity, skills, and experience, Southampton Forward are keen for the Board to reflect the diversity of the communities that they work with.

To ensure we are working to reduce barriers for people applying, we can offer alternatives to the process outlined above. If you would like to discuss the application process or the Trustee role in any more detail, in the first instance please contact our Finance Manager Hannah Garriock via email: hannahg@sfbranding.local